The sweltering plain
Girls practising Kathak dance
Every day the little girls going to Kathak dance course come by tens and, accompanied by the twittering of nightingales in the shadow of the Neem close branches and of the Bougainvilleas, practice again and again the steps they have learnt while the teacher controls and corrects them if necessary.
Landing in Varanasi the terrible heat gripping the city welcomes you. Thermometer is at the record high and gusts of hot wind raise some fine dust in the great dryness. Fields are burnt and yellowed by the merciless sun.
The moment I reach the ashram, travel stress disappears. The long and hot summer, even if getting close to the end, isn’t finished yet and, despite the inconveniences, we must complete the preparation of agricultural fields. Working under the sun in this season is a very hard task and we avoid the hours in the middle of the day, too hot, choosing the morning and the afternoon hours.
Suddharshan and Karan hook the cart to the tractor
Some guys, old boys of our school over eighteen now, help workers without sparing themselves. Manoj, Sanjay, Karan and Mahender are young men now and some of them already have important family responsibilities. Happy, Babloo and Ramkripalu are involved in the work and make sure this is properly done.
Squirrels also refresh themselves with mangos
Kathak dance class in the morning
Redoing the covering of some of the classrooms